Job Reference Request Letter

Reference Request Letter

Dear Sir (reference from whom you require),

I am writing to you to request that you provide a reference for me as I begin my job search. As you know, I will be completing my graduate studies this spring, and have found several exciting opportunities that I am exploring.

As my undergraduate thesis advisor and mentor, I believe that a reference from you would provide a potential employer with information to recommend me (for which post you are looking/applied for).

Please let me know if you are comfortable endorsing my candidacy for jobs in the various industries.

Thanks so much for all your support and for taking the time to review this request.


Top "P" Vocabulary Words Frequently Used

pace philosophical potential prompt
pack philosophy potentially proof
package phone pound proper
pad photo pour properly
page photograph poverty property
pain photographer powder proportion
painful photography power proposal
paint phrase powerful propose
painter physical practical proposed
painting physically practically prosecution
pair physician practice prosecutor
palace physics practitioner prospect
pale piano praise protect
Palestinian pick pray protection
palm pickup prayer protective
pan picture preach protein
panel pie precious protest
panic piece precise protocol
pant pig precisely proud
paper pile predator prove
parade pill predict provide
parent pillow prediction provided
parental pilot prefer provider
parish pin preference province
park pine pregnancy provision
parking pink pregnant provoke
part pioneer preliminary psychological
partial pipe premise psychologist
partially pit premium psychology
participant pitch preparation public
participate pitcher prepare publication
participation pizza prescription publicity
particle place presence publicly
particular placement present publish
particularly plain presentation publisher
partly plan preserve pull
partner plane presidency pulse
partnership planet president pump
party planner presidential punch
pass planning press punish
passage plant pressure punishment
passenger plastic presumably purchase
passing plate pretend pure
passion platform pretty purple
past play prevail purpose
pasta player prevent purse
pastor playoff prevention pursue
pat plea previous pursuit
patch plead previously push
patent pleasant price put
path please pride puzzle
patience pleased priest
patient pleasure primarily
patrol plenty primary
patron plot prime
pattern plunge principal
pause plus principle
pay PM print
payment pocket prior
PC poem priority
peace poet prison
peaceful poetry prisoner
peak point privacy
peanut poke private
peasant pole privately
peel police privilege
peer policeman prize
pen policy pro
penalty political probably
pencil politically problem
pension politician procedure
people politics proceed
pepper poll process
per pollution processing
perceive pond processor
perceived pool proclaim
percentage poor produce
perception pop producer
perfect popular product
perfectly popularity production
perform population productive
performance porch productivity
performer pork profession
perhaps port professional
period portfolio professor
permanent portion profile
permission portrait profit
permit portray profound
Persian pose program
persist position programming
person positive progress
personal possess progressive
personality possession prohibit
personally possibility project
personnel possible projection
perspective possibly prominent
persuade post promise
pet poster promising
phase pot promote
phenomenon potato promotion

Top "O" Vocabulary Words Frequently Used

oak opponent
object opportunity
objection oppose
objective opposed
obligation opposite
observation opposition
observe opt
observer optimistic
obstacle option
obtain or
obvious oral
obviously orange
occasion orbit
occasional order
occasionally ordinary
occupation organ
occupy organic
occur organism
ocean organization
oclock organizational
odd organize
odds organized
of orientation
off origin
offender original
offense originally
offensive other
offer others
offering otherwise
office ought
officer our
official ours
officially ourselves
often out
oh outcome
oil outdoor
ok outer
okay outfit
old outlet
oldfashioned outline
Olympic output
Olympics outside
on outsider
once outstanding
one oven
onethird over
ongoing overall
onion overcome
online overlook
only overnight
onto oversee
open overwhelm
opening overwhelming
openly owe
opera own
operate owner
operating ownership
operation oxygen

Top "N" Vocabulary Words Frequently Used

nail nod
naked noise
name nomination
narrative nominee
narrow none
nasty nonetheless
nation nonprofit
national noon
nationwide nor
native norm
natural normal
naturally normally
nature north
near northeast
nearby northern
nearly northwest
neat nose
necessarily not
necessary note
necessity notebook
neck nothing
need notice
needle notion
negative novel
negotiate now
negotiation nowhere
neighbor nuclear
neighborhood number
neighboring numerous
neither nurse
nerve nut
nervous nutrient

Top "M" Vocabulary Words Frequently Used

machine material middle monument
mad math midnight mood
magazine mathematics midst moon
magic matter might moral
magnetic maximum migration more
magnitude may mild moreover
mail maybe military morning
main mayor milk mortality
mainly me mill mortgage
mainstream meal million most
maintain mean mind mostly
maintenance meaning mine mother
major meaningful mineral motion
majority meantime minimal motivate
make meanwhile minimize motivation
maker measure minimum motive
makeup measurement minister motor
male meat ministry mount
mall mechanic minor mountain
man mechanical minority mouse
manage mechanism minute mouth
management medal miracle move
manager media mirror movement
managing medical miss movie
mandate medication missile Mr
manipulate medicine missing Mrs
manner medium mission Ms
mansion meet missionary much
manufacturer meeting mistake mud
manufacturing melt mix multiple
many member mixed municipal
map membership mixture murder
marble memory mmhmm muscle
march mental mobile museum
margin mentally mode mushroom
marine mention model music
mark mentor moderate musical
marker menu modern musician
market merchant modest Muslim
marketing mere modify must
marketplace merely molecule mutter
marriage merit mom mutual
married mess moment my
marry message momentum myself
mask metal money mysterious
mass metaphor monitor mystery
massive meter monkey myth
master method monster  
match metropolitan month  
mate Mexican monthly